Super Social Networking: Super-Hero Facebook Status Updates



For this week’s article on ComicsAlliance, I round up a bunch of Facebook Status Updates from your favorite comic book characters! The image above actually has my favorite punchline of the bunch, but–of course–I neglected to actually put it in the article when it first went up. It’s there now though, so even if you saw it when it was going around earlier today, go read it again!

There are two quick shout-outs I need to give for this one: The idea for the article came entirely from CA’s Laura Hudson, and it wouldn’t be nearly what it is if it wasn’t for Andrew Weiss helping me out and letting me bounce ideas off of him to get in the right frame of mind for it. So if you enjoy it, half of that enjoyment belongs to them.

And if you hate it, they did the whole thing, and I had no part of it whatsoever.

33 thoughts on “Super Social Networking: Super-Hero Facebook Status Updates

  1. Dude, I think you owe Laura a beer for the premise. If you can make stuff up out of whole cloth, then you never again have to listen to people tell you what “you forgot.” The article, of course, is hilarious, as I posted over there.

  2. Is J. Jonah Jameson channelling Warren Ellis? And if so, why doesn’t he do it more often?

  3. When I first went through the article, I thought that either the Lois one or the Doom one was my favorite, but I think I have to change my answer.

    Because Krypto typed “WOOF!” And that right there is comedy gold.

  4. When you win the Nobel Prize for making fun of stuff on the internet, remember this moment. The judges will.

  5. Genius. I would love to know by what means you created these FB ‘entries’… Photoshop? Fireworks?

  6. I don’t get the Red Bee one. Hints? Suggested reading?

    Also: tea went up the nose with the Daredevil one. Wonderful. And so worth it.

  7. I might go so far as to say this is the funniest thing you’ve done this year.

  8. Oh, wow, that was amazing. I was pretty much just cackling through the whole thing. I keep wanting to say which was my favorite, but then another one’ll come into my head and set off the giggling again.

    So just damn fine show, sir.

  9. Damn funny! In addition to the ones everyone else mentioned, “Anniversary?” and Kyle & Hal were hilarious.

  10. I got linked to this by a friend and I must say this is the funniest things I’ve read in a while.

    You and the people that helped you, did a fantastic job. If you ever feel like doing this again, please do!

  11. I just had to come back here, AGAIN, and read this post! I mean, dag!!! I’m sure the folks at D.C. / Marvel / Image…heck, even the movie studios are kicking someone’s butt for not thinking of this first! Hi-freakin’-larious!!!

  12. Sorry folks. Thanks for the invite but I’m not really into most of the games. I’m here to meet old fiends and perhaps meet some new one’s. I love the trivia games but alas, the farm, mafia other games are not my thing. Please don’t semd me any games or requsts for games. I’ll stick to my trivia and answering the que…stions on politics and such.